Today, 16th November, the Elemaster Group was proud to host the Girls’ Day, an orientation day dedicated to second-grade girls to show all the job opportunities offered to all the girls who, in their future, will study STEM disciplines.
The Women’s Entrepreneurship Committee of the Como-Lecco Chamber of Commerce organized the event, offering the opportunity to spend a day in a local business operating in traditionally male-dominated sectors. This, to foster career guidance and to strengthen girls’ confidence in their own abilities and possible professional opportunities.
During the day, after a factory tour aimed at explaining the world of electronics, female employees from different departments and companies in the Group will be interviewed directly by the girls.
“We pay a cultural heritage according to which some school careers, and then work paths, are mostly male prerogatives” says Valentina Cogliati, President & CEO of Elemaster “This could be true in the past, not today, and in fact more than 50% of our staff consists of girls. Nowadays, technical opportunities are really numerous, for women too. That’s why it’s important to act on school guidance already from Middle School”.